Saturday 8 August 2015

Art & Prime Responsibilities of Art


Art is the process to express significant Idea, Emotion or Feeling with saying a word.

Art required skills used for Painting, Sculpturing, Drawing, Sketching and Crafting (Handicraft, Handcraft)

Prime Responsibilities Of ART

* Use Pastels, Pencil, Charcoal or other medium

* Utilize born talent

* Use shadows and shading to bring life to picture

* Make several sketches of person until client is stratified with accuracy

* Release final sketch to media so public can help to identify accomplish

* Sketch plate used for films or commercials


Is a sketch, painting, photograph, sculpture or other artistic representation feature of a person, In that the face and it's expression is grand. 

Significant Information

  Oldest know portrait in the world comes from Czech Republic. World oldest known portrait was found in 2006 in the Vilhonneur Grolto near Angouleme and Is thought to be 27,000 years old.

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